Status: Fundraising

Overview of the Project

The Innostation Podcast is a unique initiative designed to provide students with a broader perspective on career development and options. The podcast achieves this by interviewing professionals from diverse backgrounds who have taken both conventional and unconventional paths. By doing so, it aims to showcase a range of perspectives on what it means to be successful and fulfilled in one's career.

The podcast's focus is not just on those who have achieved conventional success by society's standards, but also on those who have taken alternative paths to success. It seeks to provide students with a well-rounded understanding of what it means to pursue a fulfilling career, regardless of how one chooses to define success.

The guests on the podcast come from a range of backgrounds and industries, including those who are currently hustling to grow their careers and those who have chosen to prioritize other aspects of their lives over their careers. By featuring such a diverse range of guests, the Innostation Podcast provides students with a broad perspective on the many different ways in which one can find happiness and fulfillment in their professional lives.

Through this initiative, the Innostation Podcast hopes to inspire and motivate students to explore different career paths, and to encourage them to think outside the box when it comes to pursuing their professional aspirations. The podcast seeks to break down the notion that success can only be achieved through a narrow set of paths, such as business, law, medicine, or engineering, and instead amplify the many different paths to success that exist in our economy.

About Innostation

About HotShoe Productions:


Production Cost

Number of episodes



Production partner

$160 / episode. $8800 / season


1 year. Weekly release of episodes

HotShoe Productions East Side Studio

HotShoe Productions

Episode Format



~30 minutes

